Angeles Crest Big Give Day Update

We are off to a great start with our Climb-It Change campaign! We have received $58,678 of the $66,000 goal and plan to have the first two projects installed this summer.

We are hoping to receive the rest of our goal soon and get the final project started. If you are bummed you missed out on Big Give Day, it’s not too late to donate.

Ever notice how political topics seem to divide people?

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably getting bombarded this election year with political debates and opposing sides fighting about who is right on any number of hot topics.

At Angeles Crest, there is only one topic that we’re focused on in 2024.

That topic is Climb-It Change.

You read that right. Climb-It Change.

You may have heard people talking about this issue (spelled differently) for years now, but we’re here to give you the “facts”*.

  • Did you know that 90%* of children born in the 2000’s will never scale a rock?
  • 80% of children* have never experienced the laughter that you can only get from putting on a harness for a climbing wall.
  • Most shockingly, 50% of Americans* can’t tell you how many sides a hexagon has.

With your help, Angeles Crest can change ALL this by bringing kids TOGETHER.

That’s why we’re asking you to make your tax-deductible (non-political) generous gift to the Climb-It Change campaign now or on Big Give Day May 15, 2024.

Your gift can change a child’s world! 😉

With your help, Angeles Crest needs $66,000 to upgrade three climbing experiences.

4 Reasons to invest in the Climb-It Change campaign:

  1. To help kids increase their confidence
  2. Try new faith-stretching experiences
  3. Bring them together without screens
  4. Help increase their love for the outdoors

Rather than raise camper fees to cover the cost of the $66,000 it will take to make these “CLIMB-IT” changes, we thought we’d ask you to invest in the future.

Your gift will provide a new Low Ropes Hexagon, Bouldering Walls, and upgrading our current climbing wall with automatic belay controllers.

You already know free time is a fun time to try new things. It connects us!

In the past several years, we’ve been able to create new opportunities and experiences because of the incredible generosity of our faithful donors like you.

Would you help us make a dent in Climb-It Change?

My name is Dave Crouse and I approved this message.

Dave Crouse,

Executive Director

*None of these “facts” have been verified from independent sources and may or may not be completely made up. We also may or may not be too afraid to look them up because that last one seems like it could be true.


If you’d like to make an eternal impact by volunteering at camp, contact Dave Crouse at: