Angeles Crest Update: News & Stories from Our Community

July 2024

Summer Camp Recap: Encouraging News…

It has been the most incredible summer so far! The final program camp finished just two days ago and God was working in those mountains. So many lives changed and friendships made.

You can get a small taste of what camp was like this year by watching this highlight video from Youth 1 Program Camp:

What Leaders are saying about Angeles Crest:

We have been so blessed by the testimonies of recent camp leaders, that we felt it would be a shame not to share that with everyone.

First, we wanted to share the powerful testimony from DeVonna Drey, Children’s Pastor at Peninsula Community Church.

DeVonna first attended Angeles Crest with Westside Christian Church in Long Beach when she was in high school. She had a difficult childhood and was a new Christian when she came to camp the first time, but it completely changed her life. “…A lot of things frightened me, but this place [Angeles Crest] didn’t. I felt a peace that I had never really experienced”.

See her full video testimony down below.

(Bonus: Enjoy the sounds of the campers having fun in the background. You may even hear the iconic camp bell at the
end of the video too!)

Simon Says…

And take a look at what Simon Viss
had to say about bringing his 100+
campers from Cornerstone Church
Long Beach a few weeks ago.

You’re Invited to Celebrate the Life of
Don Leicht

Please join us on August 18th at 3:00 p.m. as we celebrate and remember the ministry of Don Leicht, Executive Director of Angeles Crest Christian Camp from 1974-2001. We will be having a special service dedicating the camp chapel in Don’s name. Please join us as we celebrate with Don’s family and friends.

Please RSVP if you plan on attending by:
– Calling Vicky Stevens at 714-870-9190,
– Email at
– Filling out this form

You can find directions to the camp by going here.
We look forward to seeing you for this special celebration!

Prayer Request

Please pray that God would give strength and grace to our summer program staff, food service staff and maintenance staff to continue to faithfully serve our campers through the final weeks of summer camp.

Final Call to Save $25 on Father-Son Retreat



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